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Getting Wairoa’s parks and reserves back into a usable state is Council’s aim.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said there is still significant post-cyclone work to be done throughout the district, and some solutions won’t be known until Wairoa’s final flood protection plan is confirmed.
“In the meantime, we are bringing our parks and reserves up to a standard where they can be used, particularly as we draw closer to summer. It will be great to see people enjoying the river reserve, picnicking and having lunch in the sun again.”
In town, along the riverbank, silt is being levelled and land recontoured and planted in grass seed.
“We don’t want to spend a lot of money removing silt until we know what the final impact of our flood protection will look like. Part of the temporary reinstatement is the installation of new picnic tables in the main street area. The previous tables had already been tagged for replacement, and the new tables are more resilient and can be relocated more easily.”
Boat Launching ramps are also being reinstated at Ski Club, Adventure Wairoa, Yacht Club and Pilot Hill Reserve.
The rest area on SH2 to Napier opposite Cafe 287 is being contoured and reinstated for visitors with Waka Kotahi leading the management activity.
Photo Caption: A digger works to recontour silt along the main street river reserve.
4 September 2023
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