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The Government funding for the free collection of flood-damaged items will soon stop, with the last day for collection on Friday, June 30.
The collection was introduced following Cyclone Gabrielle to assist people to dispose of flood-affected items, including building materials.
Initially, the Wairoa District Council funded the collection to support the community. Central Government funding was then accessed. That funding ends on Friday, June 30.
In the four-plus months that the collection has been going, thousands of tonnes of flood-affected property has been collected and disposed of at no cost to individuals.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna urged the community to be respectful of this change.
“Council, and with assistance from central government funding, has supported this collection for more than four months which has been a considerable investment and workload, including a massive cost at the landfill. However, it has been worth it to help our whānau clear out flood-damaged items to enable them to begin their recovery.
“Please, do not now start to fly dump your flood-damaged items or other waste. There are no collection points available, the only appropriate way of disposal is through the Wairoa landfill.
“From a cultural perspective, fly dumping does not align with tikanga Māori values or the general values of the Council or our community.
“From a sustainability perspective, the ongoing harm caused by fly dumping across multiple locations is immensely detrimental to the surrounding natural and community-based environs. Potential leaching of uncontained toxins, rubbish blow-off, and microplastic pollution to natural habitats and waterways are all heightened by fly dumping.
“I urge people to make the most of this final week of collection, and then please dispose of your items in the appropriate way. We do not want to issue Infringements for people who are caught fly dumping, but we will if necessary.
“We are all trying to rebuild our community, and piles of rubbish will not help us achieve that.
“Please note, silt collection is continuing at this stage.”
If you need information or advice on how to dispose of your flood-damaged items at your own cost, please phone Council on 06 838 7309.
23 June 2023
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