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Wairoa’s Tihei Wairoa Project Manager, Anna Hayes, is looking forward to continuing to gather community voice as part of her new role.
Originally from Wairoa, Anna sees coming home and her involvement with Tihei Wairoa as a chance to roll up her sleeves and be part of a team that is underpinned by the three principles of Whānau Ora - whānau first, Āta haere, Kia tika, kia pono.
Tihei Wairoa is a ‘By Wairoa, For Wairoa, With Wairoa’ approach that is community-led, iwi-partnered, and agency facilitated. Access and connectivity to health and wellbeing services for all Wairoa communities is the focus for the district’s locality planning network - part of the reform of Aotearoa’s health system.
The vision for the Wairoa locality is, “All whānau across the Wairoa district are thriving”.
The first version of Tihei Wairoa’s Locality Plan has been submitted to the National Localities Team and demonstrates what has been developed so far based on current information and feedback.
The next stage is engaging with all Wairoa communities to gather whānau voice on what local people see as their priorities to achieving health and wellbeing.
Anna says she had gathered some invaluable feedback prior to Cyclone Gabrielle and is looking forward to continuing to listen to people share their thoughts and opinions. “This broad range of information that we are gathering will go towards transformation of Wairoa’s future health and wellbeing by doing things differently to support all whānau in the Wairoa district to thrive.
“This means thriving in the whole sense of the word, spiritually, culturally, educationally, environmentally, economically and with social advancement.
“Our communities have been given an opportunity to re-write the way we see health and social services delivery, and together we can trial new ways of doing things. It is an exciting time and I look forward to again living in a community of resilient, creative and passionate people who know best what works for them.”
If you would like to share your thoughts on how whānau can thrive please take the following survey, https://forms.office.com/r/WUJc2m3wZM or email Anna, tiheiwairoa@wairoataiwhenua.co.nz or phone or text 027 351 3833.
Caption: Tihei Wairoa Project Manager Anna Hayes is collecting community voice to inform the Tihei Wairoa Locality Plan.
20 March 2023
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