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Financial support is the best way to help Wairoa people who have been impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little has extended a huge thank you to everyone who has supported Wairoa during this challenging time.
“Wairoa has been overwhelmed with aroha and donations to such an extent that we are struggling to manage all the koha. At this stage all our immediate needs have been met, and the best way to help our community is by making a financial donation to our Givealittle page. We don’t want to sound ungrateful for all the donations we have received, and we are appreciative, but the best way to help us now is through financial contributions.
“It has been humbling to receive support from all over the country, through financial donations, supplies and volunteers. We have even had financial support from the Waimate District Council, a Council of a similar size to Wairoa in the Canterbury region. Their Mayor, Craig Rowley, is focusing on the Wairoa District which he describes as a small but resilient area in the Hawke’s Bay region that remains isolated and cut off to the rest of the world. Mr Rowley said he has a good working relationship with the Wairoa District Council adding that he and myself, both understand how important our communities are, through the good times and the bad. He kickstarted a fundraising effort with $1,000 and has encouraged Waimate residents and businesses to join in lending a helping hand for the Wairoa District and its long road to recovery. Thank you so much to Craig and the Waimate community, we are so grateful for your thoughts and support.”
“Meanwhile, our Givealittle page has now reached over $150,000 which is incredible. Most of these donations are smaller amounts and are made by people who have a connection to Wairoa and or our people or are just generous people who want to help us. Thank you so much to everyone.
If you wish to make a donation to the Wairoa Flood Mayoral Relief Fund Cyclone Gabrielle, please click the button below (a donation receipt will be issued by Givealittle and donations of over $5 are tax deductible).
Alternatively, you can donate to the Wairoa District Council Bank Account:
03-0785-0070470-00 using the reference “FLOOD”
If you would like a receipt, please email us with subject ‘donation’ and include your name, email, donation amount and date paid:
“All funding will be managed through the Wairoa District Council. At this stage while we have identified many needs, full assessments are still being carried out to ensure these donations are helping our entire community in the best possible way.
“It is great to also see the launch of a local disaster relief fund that can be accessed by residents and ratepayers of the Hawke’s Bay region who have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
“The fund, organised by the Hawke’s Bay mayors and chair, offers one-off hardship grants to alleviate hardship due to flooding, prolonged power outages and landslips. For the rural community, applications can be extended to provide some assistance for emergency fencing requirements for livestock and disposal of dead stock.
“Support is available up to a maximum of $1,000 per household or $2,000 for organisations, marae and community groups.
Please click the button below if you wish to apply for the Hawke's Bay Disaster Relief Fund.
28 February 2023
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