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Continued wet weather is creating issues with Wairoa’s already sodden roading network.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said saturated roading and ground is creating roading problems, particularly on the inclines of the Ohuka Road.
“This alternative route has an increase in heavy vehicles which can’t use the Te Reinga Bridge due to the weight restrictions under the temporary repair. We have been appealing to road users to limit the heavy vehicle cartage where possible and would like to thank those road users who have been able to help us out.
“We are also working on stabilising the hill and will continue to carry out what work we can on the rest of the roading network.
“Thank you to the Ohuka community, and all our other rural communities for your patience. You are at the forefront of our minds and plans, and while we are battling the elements we are working on solutions, and I know we are all looking forward to some sunshine.
“We are very aware of the problems we are facing and are trying lots of different approaches to try and get a level of service back to normal as soon as we can.
For local roading closure information please visit www.wairoadc.govt.nz/roading
If you notice any new slips, trees down, or other hazards please call the Council line, 06 838 7309 to report.
19 August 2022
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