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If you are planning a catch up with one of Wairoa District Council’s Building Inspectors, please make an appointment first.
In the past Council has been flexible around casual drop-ins from members of the public needing to talk with a Building Inspector. Now, to create efficiencies and improve time management, appointments will need to be made.
Wairoa District Council Chief Executive Kitea Tipuna said booked appointments allow Council staff to prepare any necessary information in advance and should streamline projects.
“Previously staff have worked with clients who have just called into the Council offices, but this casual approach is not actually an efficient use of Council staff, or for that matter members of the public’s, time.
“Booked appointments will mean during high demand times, when there are staff shortages or staff are on leave, we will be able to better manage our response.
“I know booking appointments will mean people will have to be a little bit more organised, but really this is no different to making an appointment for any other specialised service.
“The community will need to adjust to this change, and we ask that you please do not take any frustrations out on Council staff if you drop into the Council office and don’t have an appointment and cannot immediately be seen by a building inspector or support staff.”
To make an appointment with a Building Inspector, please phone 06 838 7309.
23 May 2022
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz