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The growing number of COVID-19 Omicron cases in the community prompted the government to move to phase two of its response from midnight on Tuesday.
This response is based on the spread of community cases, with this approach aimed at minimising and slowing the further spread of COVID-19 to protect our vulnerable communities.
Under phase two there are shorter isolation periods and communication is via text and email. There is more focus on supporting positive cases to isolate at home.
The spread of Omicron means it’s important to be as prepared and as protected as possible. If you’re 18 years or older, and it’s been three months since your second dose, you should get your booster as soon as possible. The tamariki in your whānau aged 5-11 can now also get vaccinated.
The Queen Street Practice is vaccinating five years plus withdrive through vaccinations weekdays from 3-5pm or phone 06 838 8333 to make a walk-in appointment between 9am and 3pm. Vaccinations can also be administered on Saturday and Sunday from 3-4pm.
Kahungunu Executive is vaccinating 12 years plus on Tuesdays: 9am - 2pm outside Bottle O, Queen Street and Thursdays: 3pm - 6pm outside Kahungunu Executive, Queen Street. To book walk in appointments at the Kahungunu Executive building, or for district wide vaccine bus or home visits Phone 0800 621 700 or Text/phone 027 287 1089
If you are feeling unwell, have symptoms, or are close contact of a person who has tested positive, you will need to isolate. For COVID testing you must ring the Queen Street Practice on 06 838 8333 and make an appointment. Testing times are from 1.30pm Monday-Friday and weekends from 3-4pm.
People are encouraged to plan now for if they test positive and need to isolate.
Prepare your whānau, create a plan for if someone in your home gets sick, keep a list of whānau details and talk about the plan with whānau tamariki.
Prepare your whare with a designated isolation room and regularly clean and wipe surfaces.
Make sure you have access to food and essential supplies while you are in isolation, you may need to organise a buddy outside your household to help with supplies and other daily chores.
Practice good hygiene: wear a mask in public, wash hands regularly, practice social distancing and use the COVID tracer app and vaccine pass wherever you go.
For more information on what Omicron in the community under phase two means for you head to https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-response-planning/omicron-community-what-means-you
‘Kia ū tonu Te Wairoa’
‘Remain resilient Wairoa’
For more info visit the Wairoa District Council Fb page or website #COVID-19
17 February 2022
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