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The COVID-19 cases and their contacts who have been isolating in Wairoa are free from today to move about in the community.
Hawke’s Bay DHB Medical Officer of Health Dr Nick Jones reported that the cases who have been isolating in Wairoa have completed their period of isolation and are no longer infectious.
Dr Jones also noted that the contacts of the cases have completed their period of quarantine and are safe to move about the community.
Dr Jones also encouraged anyone unvaccinated, or due a second dose or booster dose, to get protected and vaccinated this weekend.
“People who are vaccinated are less likely get sick with the virus, less likely to pass it on, and are much less likely to get seriously ill or require hospitalisation if they do get it. It’s one of the best things you can do to protect yourself, your whānau and our community.
For a full list of vaccination clinics available this weekend and into next week go to: http://www.ourhealthhb.nz/assets/CORONAVIRUS/COVID-19-Vaccine/Whats-on-Where.pdf
COVID-19 testing opportunities were also available across the region, including Wairoa.
Anyone feeling unwell with COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, should get tested even if vaccinated. Wairoa testing information this weekend is as follows:
By appointment: Queen Street Practice, 36 Kitchener Street | call 06 838 8333 to book between 9-5pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little thanked the whānau involved for their vigilant efforts in keeping the Wairoa community safe.
“This whānau did everything they needed to in order to protect our vulnerable community. This demonstrates that by following the COVID-19 guidelines people can remain safe in their communities.
18 December 2021
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