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Feedback from the community has been considered by Wairoa District Councillors following the Wairoa District Council’s 2021-31 Long-Term Plan consultation process.Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said it was great to hear from the community during the Long-Term Plan process. People shared their thoughts through feedback, submissions and the hearings.
“Council has given serious consideration to all the issues raised and as a result has committed to a number of resolutions being built into the Long-Term Plan.”
Council will continue to explore in-kind support for the Wairoa Museum and give one off additional funding of $20,000 conditional on key performance indicators being met. Council will also continue to explore its relationship with Sport Hawke’s Bay and the Wairoa Community Centre, including the potential implementation of the Wairoa Play, Active Recreation and Sport Plan.
A stocktake of Bus Shelters will take place with Council looking to partner with other stakeholders.
Council will investigate its level of service around footpaths including adopting a Walking and Cycling Strategy which includes the investigation of an Opoutama to Mahia track.
Council will continue to investigate a permanent recycle centre at Mahia with a view for this to be established by the end of the year. Council supports the community groups, Tau Mai ki Tuai and Mahisian Wave Warriors, in the development of community playgrounds and committed to exploring a closer relationship with the Mahia Boating and Fishing Club to improve the boat ramp and surrounding areas.
Road signs at Mahia and vehicle speed limits will be investigated when Council carries out a district wide speed management review in the upcoming National Land Transport Plan period.
Council will consider implementing a Community Development Strategy, continued enhancement of tangata whenua relationships, the continued development of a Climate Change policy/strategy and a spatial plan to align with that policy.
Council will continue to develop a closer working relationship with key utilities and also continue to work with forestry to ensure a closer relationship.
Council will make no changes to rating differentials based on submissions and will direct the Chief Executive to prepare a Funding Impact Statement, consistent with that consulted upon, and also to rationalise and reconcile reserve fund balances
Meanwhile, Council declined a request for funding NZ Memorial Museum and visitor centre based in Le Quesnoy, France and also the request from Hawke’s Bay Regional Council to fund additional forestry compliance activity. However, it will engage with the regional council about its regulatory functions and associated funding.
Council is currently working through the Long-Term Plan audit process and will hold an Extraordinary Meeting of Council on Wednesday at 9am in the Council chambers for the purpose of adopting the Long-Term Plan 2021-2031.
28 June 2021
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