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Two young Wairoa people will be working locally to assist rangatahi into employment.
Gabby Wilson and Sam Payne were successful in their applications for two newly created roles made possible by funding received through the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs.
Earlier this year Wairoa was selected to receive up to $500,000 to be invested into a post-COVID recovery programme to support employment outcomes.
The programme was trialled elsewhere as a pilot and was so successful it was scaled up around the country across 23 more Councils with Wairoa selected as one of those Councils.
The investment into zero youth unemployment was through the Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs Community Recovery Funding with Wairoa Mayor Craig Little a Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs Core Group member.
The funding will go towards creating a minimum of 50 sustainable employment positions by June 30, 2021, with the recently appointed co-ordinator roles being to collate the programme.
The initiative will support young people who are not in employment or training (known as NEET) into long-term sustainable employment with The Wairoa Young Achievers Trust (WYAT) delivering the initiative.
The focus will be on providing a land-based industry workforce, pre-employment work readiness support and identifying further opportunities for rangatahi and supporting rangatahi into higher yield income positions.
The co-ordinators will be involved in employment pathways, maintaining relationships with businesses, government agencies and iwi partners, linking rangatahi with work opportunities and providing pastoral care.
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said young people in rural communities tend to have limited access to services and skill development opportunities and this funding recognises that and provides solutions.”
“I am really impressed with the calibre of Sam and Gabby. It is great to see we have young Wairoa people like these two who have the ability to take on these roles of responsibility and bodes well for a strong future for our district.”
While the programme focus is small to medium enterprise, Wairoa’s funding will also support larger industries and land-based employment to complement existing programmes such as apprenticeship schemes and work placement programmes.
Mr Little said Wairoa has been recognised for its broader approach aimed at meeting the unique needs of the community and complementing what is already happening in the district.
WYAT manager Denise Eaglesome-Karekare said it is great to have two young local coordinators who are in tune with the local community driving the programme.
“Since these two started a couple of weeks ago they are already working with more than 30 clients.
“This initiative aligns perfectly with what the Wairoa Young Achievers Trust is already doing and provides additional opportunity for us to assist our rangatahi through positive pathways leading to successful and sustainable outcomes.
Caption: Linking rangatahi with sustainable employment is the role of co-coordinators Sam Payne (pictured left) and Gabby Wilson pictured right. Their positions have been funded through the Mayor’s Taskforce For Jobs Community Recovery Funding with Wairoa Mayor Craig Little, pictured centre, a member of the Mayor’s Taskforce For Jobs Core Group.
12 November 2020
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