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Wairoa’s multi-million-dollar main street transformation is getting closer and the time has come to gather views and ideas from our local community.
The Te Wairoa E Whanake project is a $4.8 million-dollar Provincial Growth Fund investment into Wairoa’s town centre to assist in creating further retail, employment and educational opportunities.
The revitalisation project takes in the burnt-out buildings site, the relocation of the i-Site, including a Wairoa identity space and Rocket Lab Education Centre, and the development of a Wairoa River Regional Park. It also includes a Regional Digital Hub which will expand on services offered by the Wairoa Library.
Wairoa District Council Economic Development chairperson Denise Eagelesome-Karekare said now is the time to gather people’s ideas and thoughts.
“We would love to hear from a range of people about what you think would make Marine Parade a better place to spend time, do business and help grow our district.”
Feedback includes parking preferences, water fountains and free water filling stations, seating and planting, lighting, art and design.
Would you like to see a rooftop bar in Wairoa? What about an all-weather community courtyard? Or water activities utilising the Wairoa River?
“We want to hear how our locals visualise the change and what sort of ideas and themes they would like incorporated in the revitalisation.
“We know Wairoa people have great ideas and we want to harness those thoughts to develop this project in the best way possible.”
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said while people will be thinking the main street redevelopment is not a priority at the moment, it is important projects like this are ready to go post-pandemic. Gathering people’s thoughts now puts us in a position to get cracking once the time is right.
“Revitalising our main street has long been a dream of Councillor Eagelsome-Karekare, and also former councillor Min Johansen, and I admire the work and dedication of all the partners who are involved in bringing this to fruition.”
The revitalisation project will be underpinned by a smart urban design incorporating Reorua 2040, and in line with that the questionnaire is available in English and te reo Māori.
There are no right or wrong answers, it’s just about hearing from the community.
Feedback should only take a few minutes and everyone who completes the questionnaire will go into the draw to win one of five $100 vouchers to spend at local businesses.
Online feedback is live from today.
All thoughts will then be collated, and design work developed, and a business case confirmed with construction on target to begin next year.
Tell us your thoughts by heading to http://www.tewairoaewhanake.co.nz/have-your-say
The Te Wairoa E Whanake project is a $4.8 million-dollar Provincial Growth Fund investment into Wairoa’s town centre to assist in creating further retail, employment and educational opportunities.
The revitalisation project takes in the burnt-out buildings site, the relocation of the i-Site, including a Wairoa identity space and Rocket Lab Education Centre, and the development of a Wairoa River Regional Park. It also includes a Regional Digital Hub which will expand on services offered by the Wairoa Library.
Wairoa District Council Economic Development chairperson Denise Eagelesome-Karekare said now is the time to gather people’s ideas and thoughts.
“We would love to hear from a range of people about what you think would make Marine Parade a better place to spend time, do business and help grow our district.”
Feedback includes parking preferences, water fountains and free water filling stations, seating and planting, lighting, art and design.
Would you like to see a rooftop bar in Wairoa? What about an all-weather community courtyard? Or water activities utilising the Wairoa River?
“We want to hear how our locals visualise the change and what sort of ideas and themes they would like incorporated in the revitalisation.
“We know Wairoa people have great ideas and we want to harness those thoughts to develop this project in the best way possible.”
Wairoa Mayor Craig Little said while people will be thinking the main street redevelopment is not a priority at the moment, it is important projects like this are ready to go post-pandemic. Gathering people’s thoughts now puts us in a position to get cracking once the time is right.
“Revitalising our main street has long been a dream of Councillor Eagelsome-Karekare, and also former councillor Min Johansen, and I admire the work and dedication of all the partners who are involved in bringing this to fruition.”
The revitalisation project will be underpinned by a smart urban design incorporating Reorua 2040, and in line with that the questionnaire is available in English and te reo Māori.
There are no right or wrong answers, it’s just about hearing from the community.
Feedback should only take a few minutes and everyone who completes the questionnaire will go into the draw to win one of five $100 vouchers to spend at local businesses.
Online feedback is live from today.
All thoughts will then be collated, and design work developed, and a business case confirmed with construction on target to begin next year.
Tell us your thoughts by heading to http://www.tewairoaewhanake.co.nz/have-your-say
17 April 2020
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