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Construction has started on a new $1.5 million Learn to Swim Pool at the Wairoa Community Centre, and should be completed by early December in time for summer splashing.
Funding for the new Learn to Swim Pool was initiated by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council with $500,000. Additional funding came from the Lotteries Grant Board with $400,000; the J N Williams Memorial Trust with $100,000; and the Wairoa District Council with the balance.
Wairoa District Council Engineering Manager, Jamie Cox said construction of the new facility started in early July. A new building to house the Learn to Swim Pool will be built where the current western car park is (by the camping ground).
In late September the Community Centre facilities will be closed for about three weeks to enable our construction contractors to break through the western wall of the current building where the main pool is and to join the two buildings together.
During the close down period other maintenance work and earthquake strengthening of the existing building including the reception area will be completed. Funding for the earthquake strengthening work is separate and has been approved through the Annual Plan.
The new facility will take up most of the existing western carpark and we will be rearranging the street carpark layout. This will compensate for the lost carparks as well as creating a threshold for calming traffic and making the environment outside the Community Centre safer. QRS has started the process of installing raised crossings and this work is expected to be completed by the end of July, Mr Cox said.
Mayor Craig Little said a Learn to Swim pool is such an important facility for Wairoa. Given that our community is surrounded by water, with our beautiful river, beaches and lakes, it is so important that our young children are able to learn to swim safely.
Our community has such a deep relationship with the water and water safety is such an important issue for us. As our children grow they will get involved in all sorts of water sports because of our relationship to the water.
Recreationally our young people are very active in water sports from swimming, rowing, water-skiing, waka ama, jet boating, fishing, diving, surfing etc. So the importance of a Learn to Swim Pool for the youngest children in our community cannot be underestimated. This new facility will allow us to teach our children the importance of water safety and give them some really important skills and will be a great facility for Wairoa, Mr Little said.
For more information:
Jamie Cox
Engineering Manager
Wairoa District Council
(06) 838 7309
5 July 2016
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