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Council property data base developed

A database of Council owned property has been developed as part of a strategy and long-term asset management plan.

Council has a portfolio of more than 297 parcels of land, excluding road reserves.

Most of Council’s services are provided from in, on or under council owned property.

Mayor Craig Little said this is the first time there has been a comprehensive database of Council owned land during his time on Council.

The Property Decision-Making Framework report forms the basis in achieving Council’s vision, community outcomes and strategic goals.

The driver behind the strategy is for Council to assess how its property is performing.

The strategic approach will ensure the property portfolio is regularly reviewed against the Council’s vision and reflect the changing nature of community outcomes and activity specific objectives, with data being regularly gathered and analysed to enable informed decision making.

The Property Strategy is also an enabling mechanism for Council to deliver on its 30-year infrastructure strategy which in turn informs the Long-Term Plan and Asset Management Plans.

28 January 2019

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