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The Wairoa District council is currently consulting on the Large Water User Policy and urging people to share their thoughts and help shape the future of our district.
The Large Water User Policy is based around helping allocate Council’s potable water resources efficiently and sustainably to ensure the allocation assessment for large water user applicants is transparent.
An increasing demand for water, future population growth and pressures on existing supplies means the Council needs to consider how it allocates its water supply efficiently and sustainably for now and into the future.
The Large Water User Policy has been developed to enable the Council to have better management of its municipal water supply while providing the public with an opportunity to consume more water from the Council’s water supply. With an increase in horticulture, building and housing developments in the district, the Council needs a tool in place to ensure it does not oversupply Council’s water supply and therefore, safeguards Council from being put in a vulnerable position.
The policy only applies to the Frasertown/Wairoa water supply and also sets out how any future extraordinary supply water user applications will be assessed. It will assist in achieving a holistic and integrated approach to three waters management in the district that is consistent with Council’s District Plan, other policies, plans, strategies and objectives and reflects the principles of Te Mana o Te Wai.
The policy aims to minimise water wastage and encourages applicants to ensure they have pursued all other avenues of sourcing their water before wanting to take from the Council’s municipal water supply.
Submissions on the Large Water User policy closes on November 14 2023. For more information on the proposed policy and to make a submission please go to www.consultations.nz/wdc/
Submissions can also be made by email to feedback@wairoadc.govt.nz, by post or in-person to the Wairoa District Council Governance Team, 97 Queen Street, Wairoa.
9 November 2023
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© Wairoa District Council - www.wairoadc.govt.nz / +64 6 838 7309 / customerservices@wairoadc.govt.nz