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Earlier today, the Tripartite partners – Wairoa District Council, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, and Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust – met to discuss flood mitigation for Wairoa, including the two most technically viable flood mitigation solutions: Options 1C and 1D.
The partners collectively acknowledged the significant work that has occurred to date and the importance of flood mitigation for the future, and made it clear that they remain united in their commitment to ensuring action is taken to help protect the community of Wairoa. They also discussed, at length, the merits of both Options 1C and 1D, including their technical viability, hydraulic performance, and potential impacts to home and landowners across Wairoa.
At the conclusion of the hui, Wairoa District Council supported the Crown Manager, Lawrence Yule, in recommending 1C to Hawke’s Bay Regional Council as its preferred flood mitigation solution. Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa Trust indicated that it wouldn’t support a specific recommendation, and that the decision on a way forward should be made by mana whenua. The Trust also indicated it would support potentially impacted whānau, home and landowners in receiving the information they need to be able to make that decision for themselves.
At its final decision-making hui next Thursday, 13 February, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will consider all feedback and recommendations discussed at today’s Tripartite hui. The Regional Council will then make an informed decision on the preferred flood mitigation solution which will form the basis of the business case being submitted to the Government by mid-March.
Whilst today’s recommendations from the Crown Manager, Wairoa District Council and Tātau Tātau are important steps forward in the process, a preferred flood mitigation solution is still only one part of the process. There is still a huge amount of mahi ahead for us all.
It will remain critically important to continue working closely with potentially impacted whānau, home and landowners and the Wairoa community regarding the land access required to deliver flood mitigation for Wairoa.
Finally, we would like to acknowledge those experiencing the most immediate challenges as a result of this important work. There is still a lot to be done, and we appreciate the way the whānau continue to engage with us.
If you or your whānau have any questions, or if you need further help or support, please get in touch with the Project team – info@wairoafloodproject.co.nz or 027 236 7494.
5 February 2025
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