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We are disappointed to share that the F.A.W.C! event Ka Kai Tahi Tātou i te Hākari will not run as intended on Sunday, January 30, 2022.
Instead, due to ongoing uncertainty because of Covid-19 and after consultation with visiting talent, local communities and event organisers, the decision has been made to move the event to the F.A.W.C! Festival in November 2022.
As the date and details for this event cannot be confirmed at this stage, all ticket holders will receive a full, immediate refund.
While Fleur Sullivan is deeply disappointed that she cannot come to Wairoa and Māhia in January, she is extremely keen to see the event run at Kaiuku Marae as a part of the November Summer F.A.W.C! festival and hopes to see you all there as well.
Anyone who had tickets to the now cancelled Ka Kai Tahi Tātou i te Hākari, will be given the first opportunity to purchase tickets to the November 2022 event during pre-sales. This is expected to occur during September 2022.
This decision was not made lightly however the safety of our guests and our local communities are of the utmost importance, and time is required to allow guests to rearrange their travel plans and bookings.
While we are deeply saddened that the event will not go ahead this January, the support F.A.W.C! has received from the Wairoa District in 2021 has been incredible and we are committed to ensuring Wairoa continues to be a part of the well-loved Food and Wine Classic.
16 December 2021
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